We offer a variety of different classes as described below.
For some general recommendations regarding the practice read here.
The Open Classes are Vinyasa classes, sometimes rather playful, sometimes workshop style. The foundation of these classes lies in Ashtanga and Jivamukti Yoga, so the process is always very similar. The teacher determines the sequencing and the emphasis of these classes according to the level of the students. All of the elements of the ‘8-limbed path’ of Yoga according to Patanjali can be found – including breathing techniques and meditation.
Students of all levels practice together. Some knowledge of the vinyasa practice would be appreciated but is not requested.
Every Basic class is part of a 4-weeks fundamental course, starting over each month, exploring a new theme each week (week 1 - 4 of every month):
Week 1: Breath, Bandha, Sun Salutes
Week 2: Standing Asanas, Forward Bends,
Week 3: Twists, Backbends
Week 4: Repetition of the themes before and Inversions/Finishing Sequence (Shoulderstand, Headstand)
The emphasis in these classes is the proper alignment of the postures. Whereas in most of the other classes vinyasa is the focus, the Basic classes are taught ‘workshop style’, focusing on the experience of the proper alignment rather than the flow, thus allowing the student to have an easier and safer experience in the vinyasa style classes.
Although there is an underlying structure in this course, students can start with any class; they do not have to start in week 1. Every week will start with sun salutes and also include or repeat themes from earlier weeks of the month.
Jivamukti Yoga was founded in NYC, USA, in 1984. This method is regarded as ‘a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings’. Jivamukti Yoga is also Vinyasa Yoga. The vigorous asana practice can be a way to refine our relationship with the earth and all beings. There are 5 tenets of Jivamukti Yoga: Bhakti (compassion), Ahimsa (non-violence), Nada (sound), Dhyana (medtiation) and Shastra (study of scripture). Each Jivamukti Open class consists of 14 points. The emphasis can differ from class to class. The 2hour-long classes give us time to explore the typical elements of Jivamukti Open (apart from asana) – meditation, chanting and study of the scriptures – more intensely.
The Open Medium contains all the essential key elements of a classic Open class, but with the only difference that in the Medium version, the classes are a bit slower in speed and tad less difficult in terms of the practice. This means they are perfect for everyone who wants to progress step-by-step to our classic faster-moving Open classes. Or for anyone who - once in a while - is looking for a bit slower, less challenging Open class. And they are also perfect if you are already going to Open but want to work more detailed on specific asanas or sequences to further refine your practice! With the use of wall and prop work, this is a great class to empower, connect, and challenge you. You'll always leave feeling elevated and you did more than you thought you could. And there is always the opportunity to ask questions during our Open Medium classes.
All modern Vinyasa Yoga Styles are based on the Ashtanga Yoga System. Ashtanga Yoga is a physically demanding practice which is composed of six so-called series, and each series is following a set sequence of postures. In Ashtanga Open we are primarily teaching the first/primary series (‘yoga cikitsa’).
The first series mainly consists of forward bends and hip-opening postures (after the sun salutations and the standing sequence). There are 41 postures in the primary series; in this class, the students are guided through about half of them together in the group. In opposition to a traditional ‘Led Class’, the postures are more closely explained, and there will be modifications. Anyhow, this practice is intense and challenging, and we are offering a different focus every week, so this class can also be interesting for advanced ashtangis as well.
Not suitable for absolute beginners, some experience is advantageous.
Restorative Yoga is a gentle, therapeutic form of Yoga. This style of practice slows you down and grounds you, has a calming effect and is yet refreshing. The nervous system can be discharged, the self-healing powers of the body activated and stress can be reduced through this practice.
Restorative Yoga is suitable for anyone who is feeling physically limited – right now or in general – and wants to (re-) gain flexibility in a gentle manner. This class is also suitable for beginners of Yoga; it strengthens, opens and relaxes the student in a sensitive way.
The Prenatal for Experienced Practitioners classes are similar to Open Classes but catered to women in any phase of their pregnancy (we recommend to not practice the first trimester).
It can be challenging for pregnant women (who had a regular practice prior to their pregnancy) to find a class that is strong enough for them, but doesn't require several modifications and having to "skip" sequences.
Thus, these classes strike a balance between being energetic but also sensitive to the practitioner's changing body and the growing baby.
This class is recommended for practitioners with some level of experience prior to their pregnancy (not suitable for absolute beginners).
Yoga Nidra is a practice that allows the body and mind to enter into a deeply relaxed state where awareness drops below the level of self imposed limitations. Through breathing and visualization techniques, the mind is guided to a place between sleepand wakefulness. In that state of ‘psychical sleep’ many miraculous things can happen, such as spontaneous healing and intuitive insights.
‘Fundamentals’ are the basic principles of the Vinyasa Yoga Practice. This workshop will teach you about the elements of Vinyasa. We will practice sun salutations and standing asanas as well as some basic forwardbends and backbends. The exact alignment and some transitions from one posture to the next are being explored and practiced. tThis workshop closes with the typical finishing sequence, containing shoulderstand, headstand (variations), the final relaxation and a short mediation practice.
No previous knowledge is required for this workshop.
For upcoming dates of this workshop see the Events section.
We are offering further education for already certified Yoga Teachers. This can either be in the form of single sessions (coaching) or as a longer, coherent apprenticeship. This apprenticeship can only be completed with one teacher (mentor); coaching sessions can be booked with different teachers.
In coaching sessions, certified teachers have the possibility to work on one or several aspects that are important for them to develop as a teacher. In addition to the practice of Asana itself, it can be things such as learning how to respectully and safely assist students in class and how to reasonably build a class as well as learning the fundamental Sanskrit Terms or the basics of the Yoga Sutra.
Costs: 100 Euros / 60 minutes
For the Apprenticeship a concept is created, which is mainly tailored to the individual trainees, but in principle should occupy all aspects that are relevant for teaching Yoga.
The main features of the Yoga Philosophy are covered, assisting one-on-one as well as in the classes of the mentor, teaching sequences and much more. A regular own practice as well as a strong relationship to the studio are presupposed here.
Costs: depending on individual duration by agreement; minimum duration: 3 months.
We offer a variety of different classes as described below. For some general recommendations regarding the practice read here.
The Open Classes are Vinyasa classes, sometimes rather playful, sometimes workshop style. The foundation of these classes lies in Ashtanga and Jivamukti Yoga, so the process is always very similar. The teacher determines the sequencing and the emphasis of these classes according to the level of the students. All of the elements of the ‘8-limbed path’ of Yoga according to Patanjali can be found – including breathing techniques and meditation.
Students of all levels practice together. Some knowledge of the vinyasa practice would be appreciated but is not requested.
Every Basic class is part of a 4-weeks fundamental course, starting over each month, exploring a new theme each week (week 1 - 4 of every month):
Week 1: Breath, Bandha, Sun Salutes
Week 2: Standing Asanas, Forward Bends,
Week 3: Twists, Backbends
Week 4: Repetition of the themes before and Inversions/Finishing Sequence(Shoulderstand, Headstand)
The emphasis in these classes is the proper alignment of the postures. Whereas in most of the other classes vinyasa is the focus, the Basic classes are taught ‘workshop style’, focusing on the experience of the proper alignment rather than the flow, thus allowing the student to have an easier and safer experience in the vinyasa style classes.
Although there is an underlying structure in this course, students can start with any class; they do not have to start in week 1. Every week will start with sun salutes and also include or repeat themes from earlier weeks of the month.
Jivamukti Yoga was founded in NYC, USA, in 1984. This method is regarded as ‘a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings’. Jivamukti Yoga is also Vinyasa Yoga. The vigorous asana practice can be a way to refine our relationship with the earth and all beings. There are 5 tenets of Jivamukti Yoga: Bhakti (compassion), Ahimsa (non-violence), Nada (sound), Dhyana (medtiation) and Shastra (study of scripture). Each Jivamukti Open class consists of 14 points. The emphasis can differ from class to class. The 2hour-long classes give us time to explore the typical elements of Jivamukti Open (apart from asana) – meditation, chanting and study of the scriptures – more intensely.
The Open Medium contains all the essential key elements of a classic Open class, but with the only difference that in the Medium version, the classes are a bit slower in speed and tad less difficult in terms of the practice. This means they are perfect for everyone who wants to progress step-by-step to our classic faster-moving Open classes. Or for anyone who - once in a while - is looking for a bit slower, less challenging Open class. And they are also perfect if you are already going to Open but want to work more detailed on specific asanas or sequences to further refine your practice! With the use of wall and prop work, this is a great class to empower, connect, and challenge you. You'll always leave feeling elevated and you did more than you thought you could. And there is always the opportunity to ask questions during our Open Medium classes.
All modern Vinyasa Yoga Styles are based on the Ashtanga Yoga System. Ashtanga Yoga is a physically demanding practice which is composed of six so-called series, and each series is following a set sequence of postures. In Ashtanga Open we are primarily teaching the first/primary series (‘yoga cikitsa’).
The first series mainly consists of forward bends and hip-opening postures (after the sun salutations and the standing sequence). There are 41 postures in the primary series; in this class, the students are guided through about half of them together in the group. In opposition to a traditional ‘Led Class’, the postures are more closely explained, and there will be modifications. Anyhow, this practice is intense and challenging, and we are offering a different focus every week, so this class can also be interesting for advanced ashtangis as well.
Not suitable for absolute beginners, some experience is advantageous.
Restorative Yoga is a gentle, therapeutic form of Yoga. This style of practice slows you down and grounds you, has a calming effect and is yet refreshing. The nervous system can be discharged, the self-healing powers of the body activated and stress can be reduced through this practice.
Restorative Yoga is suitable for anyone who is feeling physically limited – right now or in general – and wants to (re-) gain flexibility in a gentle manner. This class is also suitable for beginners of Yoga; it strengthens, opens and relaxes the student in a sensitive way.
The Prenatal for Experienced Practitioners classes are similar to Open Classes but catered to women in any phase of their pregnancy (we recommend to not practice the first trimester).
It can be challenging for pregnant women (who had a regular practice prior to their pregnancy) to find a class that is strong enough for them, but doesn't require several modifications and having to "skip" sequences.
Thus, these classes strike a balance between being energetic but also sensitive to the practitioner's changing body and the growing baby.
This class is recommended for practitioners with some level of experience prior to their pregnancy (not suitable for absolute beginners).
Yoga Nidra is a practice that allows the body and mind to enter into a deeply relaxed state where awareness drops below the level of self-imposed limitations. Through breathing and visualization techniques, the mind is guided to a place between sleep and wakefulness. In that state of ‘psychical sleep’ many miraculous things can happen, such as spontaneous healing and intuitive insights.
‘Fundamentals’ are the basic principles of the Vinyasa Yoga Practice. This workshop will teach you about the elements of Vinyasa. We will practice sun salutations and standing asanas as well as some basic forwardbends and backbends. The exact alignment and some transitions from one posture to the next are being explored and practiced. tThis workshop closes with the typical finishing sequence, containing shoulderstand, headstand (variations), the final relaxation and a short mediation practice.
No previous knowledge is required for this workshop.
For upcoming dates of this workshop see the Events section.
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